Did you know that members of our club are arranging the District Changeover as our current District 9820 merges with our neighbouring District 9810 to form a new District 9815? Geoff and Di Double are creating a great event to celebrate this groundbreaking occasion. It will be a watershed moment for us to meet a whole new bunch of Rotarians that most of us have never met in a relaxed environment and to celebrate the beginning of a brand new District. Our good friend and past Assistant Governor, Colin Byron will be sworn in as the new District Governor. The event is not far from home and promises a good night out. There is a booking fee of $4.83 per ticket, making the total cost $89.83 just so you know. I have already booked, and I am looking forward to seeing how our newest Rotary District will impact our community. Use the QR Code below to book using your phone, or click on the images above to take you to the booking page on your computer. See you there.