Posted by Sam McCurdy
The following information has been extracted from the recent Disaster Aid Australia Newsletter.
Aid Delivery
After flight delays the next 15 SkyHydrants are now on their way to Bhutan.  There are now just 15 units remaining to complete the Bhutan 2020 target of 120 installations and they are planned for shipment in late April.
Distaster Aid Response Team (DART) News
Although Qantas is indicating that it hopes to start international flights in October, we believe this will only be to countries that have a very high rate of vaccination, and will exclude the vast majority of developing countries until 2022.
Our YouTube Channel
Please check out the channel and subscribe to keep up to date with the latest videos: Disaster Aid Australia Channel
This month we uploaded the following videos
Further videos will be released in the coming months
Disaster Aid Australia Conference
We have starting planning for a Disaster Aid Australia 2021 Conference, with the intention of holding it on the 2nd of October.