Posted by Geoff Double on Nov 16, 2023
We all had so much fun on Stage One that we are going for GOLD on Stage Two! Planting, Mulching and laying of the gravel path are the order of the day. Lots of wheel burrows, shovels and mulch forks, and a happy crew of fun-filled Rotarians (That's all of us, right?) will get the job done with almost no effort. AND there will be catering just to keep us on track to get the job done.
Now if you are a person who cannot physically push a wheel burrow or man/woman/person a shovel, do not think you are excluded from this activity! All volunteer activity relies on a support crew. A friendly reminder to work a little harder, making sure our team stays hydrated, calling a smoko break or just encouraging us all by extolling the beauty of the project and what it will mean to the community is all part of the magic that brings together to make a difference to our community. Every Rotarian has an important part to play, so don't feel you have nothing to contribute.
THIS Saturday the 9th December, from 10.00am to 2.00pm, will involve laying the toppings path, planting the garden, installing irrigation and spreading mulch. Many hands, shovels and wheelbarrows will make light work of the day's tasks. Volunteers and members of the public interested in Rotary are welcome to join us. Please contact Gus by email if you want to find out more. Be there or be square!