Welcome to our vibrant and relaxed Rotary Club, where community spirit thrives alongside a sense of ease and camaraderie. Picture a place where laughter mingles with purpose and friendships are forged through shared experiences and meaningful endeavours.
Firstly, a big shout-out this week goes to Trevor Watson for arranging the servicing of the Art Screen Trailers. These assets are critical to the club's income stream, and more importantly, we all have a responsibility to look after the health and safety of our club members.
This simple task undertaken by Trev delivers on both these key things and will secure the safe operation of the Art Screen Hire business over the coming year.
Also, thanks again to Andrew & Michelle Oliver-Rodrigues for attending Operation Newstart’s Graduation Ceremony. This year, we financially supported Operation Newstart through our end-of-year distributions, and attached to this newsletter is a copy of their certificate of appreciation.
Next week, we have lined up a very interesting Guest Speaker, and you will have received your meeting invitation by now. If you can attend the meeting, I think you will find Retired Police Sergeant John Murray interesting, informative and entertaining.
Unfortunately, I can’t make it as I am attending a family wedding at Braidwood, just outside Canberra, and won’t be able to make it back on time.
Have a terrific weekend, and see you all at Changeover.
The Rotary Club Of Berwick successfully applied for a community grant with us to fund a new BBQ trailer that will be made available to local community groups to support fundraising initiatives.
Rotary clubs bring together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in their communities, and in themselves.
We see our support of the Rotary Club Of Berwick as a win/win for us, our partner and the community.
We are looking forward to seeing pictures of the completed trailer! …………Community Bank Beaconsfield District
This is a story about a few-year-old initiative by the Rotary Club of Berwick and a heartfelt acknowledgment of Wendy's dedication to sharing it through our bulletin. Witnessing the powerful outcomes that emerge when Rotarians rally behind the Club Winter Coat Drive is always inspiring. This year, Wendy enthusiastically took on the task, and her efforts have made a difference.
The Rotary Club of Berwick has always been committed to community service, and the annual Winter Coat Drive is one of our emerging projects. Each year, we gather coats, jackets, and other warm clothing to distribute to those in need as the colder months approach. This project embodies the spirit of Rotary, bringing warmth and comfort to our community.
Wendy's role in this year's drive has been exceptional. Her willingness to spearhead the campaign has not only highlighted its importance but also inspired more members to get involved. She captured the essence of our mission and showcased the impact we can make together.
Stories like these remind us of the incredible potential within our club. When dedicated individuals like Wendy step up, they not only fulfil a need but also ignite a sense of purpose and unity among us all. Thank you, Wendy, for your outstanding contribution and showing us the true power of collective action. Thank you to all Rotarians, friends, and families who found surplus coats that were donated this year.
The staff at Casey North Support Services thanked Wendy for our Club's donation of 25 quality coats and thanked our club for its support this year.
Over the last five weeks, while travelling, random people in five countries have asked me a hundred times what I do as a hobby. The number one thing I do to keep myself off the streets that isn't work-related is Rotary.
My Club, the Rotary Club of Berwick, has been active in many interesting ways over the 20 years I have been a Rotarian. A few months ago, the current President, Dave Anderson, predicted that a good elevator pitch was essential to explaining Rotary to anyone who asked and provided a workshop to create such a pitch. If only I had paid more attention!
This crowd doesn't seem convinced by my cobbled-together Rotary story. I was surprised by the number of people who asked me the question and followed up by asking more questions about Rotary.
In my recent experience, most people knew about Rotary but did not know the depth and spread of what Rotary does. Some of the reasons for my trip were in my favour: to visit a recent Rotary Exchange student and a family member who is a Rotarian. But Rotary was so much more than that! I often draw on experiences I have from people I know through Rotary. If I hadn't been in Rotary, I would never have had those experiences and maybe never have become the well-rounded individual I am. However, I know that being part of Rotary can profoundly transform your life if you are willing to venture beyond just the club experience. It has broadened my understanding of the world, provided me with opportunities to contribute and positively impact other people's lives, and created a pathway to be part of a bigger picture. Rotary has connected me with a global network of dedicated individuals, all striving to make a difference. I have discovered the power of service, collaboration, and community, realizing that together, we can achieve remarkable things. Rotary is not just about attending meetings; it's about embracing a journey of personal growth, service, and global impact.
So, how will I put that all into my elevator pitch for the next person who asks me about what I do as a hobby? Below are the criteria that should be included. Perhaps we need another workshop because most people who asked me would make great Rotarians. Over to the Club leaders for an Elevator Pitch Workshop V2!
An elevator pitch is crucial for Rotary because it succinctly communicates the essence and impact of the organization, which is essential for several reasons:
Attracting New Members: A clear and compelling elevator pitch can quickly capture the interest of potential new members by highlighting the unique benefits and opportunities Rotary offers.
Increasing Awareness: It helps raise awareness about Rotary's mission and projects among the general public, which can lead to increased community support and engagement.
Securing Partnerships: A well-crafted pitch can attract potential partners, sponsors, and donors by clearly conveying the value and impact of collaborating with Rotary.
Consistency in Messaging: It ensures that all Rotarians can consistently and effectively communicate the organization's goals and values, creating a unified message across different audiences and settings.
Enhancing Member Engagement: An elevator pitch reminds current members of the core reasons they are part of Rotary, reinforcing their commitment and enthusiasm for ongoing and future projects.
Promoting Impact: It highlights Rotary's tangible outcomes, demonstrating how the organization's efforts lead to positive changes locally and globally.
Overall, an elevator pitch is a powerful tool that helps Rotary members articulate their passion and purpose, fostering growth, support, and a stronger community presence. Then there are also the personal connections, the in-depth conversations, the red wine, and a whole lot of fun, which in themselves are hard to articulate, but what the heck, let's give it a go.
Mark and Isobel Caulfield are currently driving around Africa:
Lots more driving over very different roads. This are has been in drought for 7 years and all the big animals have left.
Through huge canyons that go on for ever, with lots of deep sand to navigate. Over extremely rocky plateaus when your tyres would be shredded if to strayed off the track.
Also navigated an extremely trick water crossing. We got through with lots of guidance after one stuck deep in the mud. It was a tricky winch out for them.
Is that Mark sitting in the passenger seat? I am sure we will all hear a good tale when they return.
As an avid sports fan, President Stephanie Urchick is well-positioned to light the lamp, clear the bases, and split the uprights. Whatever the sports metaphor, she’s destined to keep Rotary in the winner’s circle
Second woman takes office as president of Rotary InternationalOne-year term will prioritize adapting to changing times and advancing peaceEVANSTON, Ill., USA – 25
The Rotary Club of Milwaukee revitalized its city’s riverfront with a contribution from a local landowner — a strategy that could work in other communities.
he newly formed Rotary Club of Beirut Pax Potentia, Lebanon, which focuses on peacebuilding, has its origins in a project funded by a Rotary Foundation global grant