Issue 42
5th June 2024
Join our dinner meeting most Wednesdays at The Beaconsfield Club, Holm Park, Beaconsfield, Victoria, Australia 

6.30 pm for 7.00 pm

Enquire by Email:
Visitors and Rotarians are very welcome.
Welcome to our vibrant and relaxed Rotary Club, where community spirit thrives alongside a sense of ease and camaraderie. Picture a place where laughter mingles with purpose and friendships are forged through shared experiences and meaningful endeavours.

By the way, this Bulletin is Best Viewed Online 

A word from our President
Wasn’t it wonderful to welcome two of our Presentation Ball Partners, Rad & Glenn Foote, from both Cathies Lane Receptions and Good Look Dance, to share their lives in dance and experiences in the field of Presentation Balls in general?
The videos that Rad and Glenn shared were terrific and, for some, a real trip down memory lane. It is quite easy to see why they enjoyed the success they did in the dance world.
Rad & Glenn are keen to work with our club to help those institutions that seem to have lost their way in hosting events, such as the Presentation Balls we host with Berwick College, as they believe we provide role-model practices. Andrew and I will meet with Rad & Glenn to better understand their proposal and consider whether we should proceed and in what capacity fully.
Rad also discussed the impact that Presentation Balls have on all participants at our meeting. That sentiment was echoed in the letter we received from the Acting Principal of Berwick College, which told us that all students who are involved rank the Presentation Balls as a true highlight of their secondary education.
When done with intent, it is amazing how individual and team actions impact people’s lives.
In fact, I had a similar experience at the second of the Presentation Balls this year. One of the Debutantes' dads came over to me and asked me if I remembered him. It took a moment, but I then realised that I was his Karate Sensei when he was in high school. He reminded me of my important role in shaping him into the person he is now and, indeed, took me over to meet his current sensei.
Here are some pictures he shared with me, which he is still proud of. They are of him breaking boards, receiving a new belt, and being with some of his martial arts pals.
I encourage everyone to think of how we can positively impact people’s lives with intent, the same way Rad has done over all the years she has taught kids how to dance.
Winter Coat Drive
Wendy Moseley will be accepting coat donations for our annual winter coat drive next week at our meeting. Please look around your cupboards, and if you have something to contribute, please bring it along next week for Wendy to collect. Thanks again, Wendy, for sticking your hand up to help.
Finish the Fight
We agreed to lend a hand to our friends at Pakenham with their intent to help stamp out Malaria.
Please register if you want to get involved. The info is again included in the bulletin.
District Changeover 29 June
This is a quick reminder that we have until 12 June to register, and I understand that places are limited. If you intend to book, I recommend that you do so soon.
Rotary Casey 2024-2025 Changeover Dinner 
Date: Sat 6th Jul 2024, 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm AEST 
Venue: The Amazing Grace, 150-156 S Gippsland Hwy, Cranbourne VIC 3977 
Members are invited to join Casey Rotary to celebrate the achievements of 2023-2024 and thank President Ben Plunkett and the board for their leadership of the Rotary Club of Casey. The evening will also welcome in the new President for 2024-2025, Alan Foster, and introduce the dynamic new board.  
Look forward to seeing you there for a great night of fun, fellowship and festivities ... Bookings via the link below 
Finally, I’m off to Adelaide to see my young bloke and our grandsons and to help celebrate Riley’s 8th birthday, and I won’t be around next week. Michelle has found a very entertaining guest speaker, and I’m sure it will be a ripper meeting. Jack has been kind enough to look after the proceedings; thanks, mate. You’re a good man.
Have a good week, everyone
Rotary Berwick Changeover
What is at our core?
Rotary’s core values represent the guiding principles of the organization’s culture, including what guides members’ priorities and actions within the organization.
These are:
SERVICE - service activities and programs bring about greater world understanding and peace. Through the plans and actions of individual clubs, Rotary has a culture of service that provides unparalleled satisfaction for those who serve.
FELLOWSHIP - individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no limitation, multiplies resources, and broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial, national, and other boundaries.
DIVERSITY - Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service, encouraging the diversity of vocations within the membership and in all activities and service work. A club that reflects the vocations within its community is a club with a key to its future.
INTEGRITY – Rotarians are committed to and expect accountability from their leaders and fellow members, both in the results of all activities and in the processes used to accomplish goals. All adhere to high ethical and professional standards in their work and personal relationships and are fair and respectful in all interactions, and are conscientiously steward the resources entrusted to Rotary.
LEADERSHIP – Rotary is a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavour. There is a strong belief in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of members.
All of these core values are reflected in the Object of Rotary and The Four-Way Test, which Rotarians use in their daily lives, inspiring them to foster and support the ideal of service for developing and maintaining integrity in human relations.
Travelling Rotarian

As many readers may have gathered, I have been away on a business and family tour over the past four weeks. During this journey, I experienced both Rotary and non-Rotary elements. Being an active Rotarian gave me a whole new range of experiences that an ordinary tourist might overlook. My visits had a purpose: reconnecting with people and blending into family life for a few days. 

I connected with a diverse range of individuals and made many new friends. My Rotary experiences gave me plenty of topics to discuss, making conversations easy and engaging. The broad scope of my experiences within Rotary allowed me to converse on various subjects confidently.

Rotary pushed me out of my comfort zone, enabling me to converse effortlessly with anyone. All those weekly meetings and speaking to small crowds significantly boosted my confidence. This trip reinforced the value of my involvement in Rotary and the profound impact it has had on my personal and professional growth. 

Sense of Purpose

1. Motivation and Direction: A sense of purpose provides individuals with a reason to get up in the morning and face the day. It fuels motivation and gives direction to one’s actions. Whether it’s pursuing a career, raising a family, volunteering, or engaging in a hobby, having goals and aspirations helps individuals feel that their efforts are meaningful and impactful.

2. Resilience and Coping: Purpose acts as a buffer against life’s challenges. When people have a strong sense of purpose, they are better equipped to cope with stress, setbacks, and adversity. It instills resilience, enabling them to navigate difficult times with a sense of hope and determination.

3. Personal Growth: Engaging in purposeful activities encourages continuous learning and personal development. It pushes individuals to step out of their comfort zones, acquire new skills, and gain valuable experiences. This growth contributes to a deeper sense of satisfaction and achievement.

4. Mental and Physical Health: Research has shown that having a sense of purpose is linked to better mental and physical health. It can reduce the risk of developing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Moreover, purposeful living is associated with healthier lifestyle choices, leading to improved overall well-being and longevity.

Strong Social Connections

1. Emotional Support: Strong social connections provide a network of emotional support. Friends, family, and community members offer comfort, understanding, and companionship during both good and challenging times. This support system is crucial for maintaining mental health and emotional stability.

2. Sense of Belonging: Humans are inherently social creatures, and feeling a sense of belonging is fundamental to our well-being. Being part of social groups, whether they are based on family, friendships, or shared interests, fosters a feeling of inclusion and acceptance. This sense of belonging contributes significantly to happiness and self-esteem.

3. Shared Joy and Celebrations: Life’s joys and milestones are often amplified when shared with others. Celebrating successes, achievements, and special moments with loved ones enhances the overall experience. Social connections allow people to share their happiness, making it more profound and lasting.

4. Physical Health Benefits: Strong social ties have been linked to numerous physical health benefits. People with robust social networks tend to have lower levels of inflammation, better cardiovascular health, and stronger immune systems. Social interactions can also encourage healthy behaviors and provide a safety net during illness or recovery.

Interplay Between Purpose and Social Connections

1. Reinforcement and Synergy: A sense of purpose and strong social connections often reinforce each other. Purpose-driven activities frequently involve interactions with others, whether it’s through work, community service, or group hobbies. These interactions strengthen social bonds and create a support system that, in turn, sustains one’s sense of purpose.

2. Collective Purpose: Shared goals and collective purpose can be incredibly powerful. Working together towards common objectives, such as community projects or group endeavors, not only enhances the sense of purpose but also deepens social connections. It fosters a spirit of cooperation and unity.

3. Emotional and Psychological Well-being: Combining a sense of purpose with strong social connections creates a robust foundation for emotional and psychological well-being. Individuals feel valued, understood, and supported while pursuing meaningful goals, leading to a richer and more satisfying life.

A sense of purpose and strong social connections are intertwined elements that play a critical role in achieving a happy and fulfilling human existence. They provide direction, support, growth opportunities, and a profound sense of belonging, all of which are essential for overall well-being and happiness. Thank you Rotary for providing me a whole lot of direction, connections and skills that seem to be making my life a lot more interesting and fulfilling that it otherwise might have been.

District Changeover
Did you know that members of our club are arranging the District Changeover as our current District 9820 merges with our neighbouring District 9810 to form a new District 9815?
Geoff and Di Double are creating a great event to celebrate this groundbreaking occasion. It will be a watershed moment for us to meet a whole new bunch of Rotarians that most of us have never met in a relaxed environment and to celebrate the beginning of a brand new District. Our good friend and past Assistant Governor, Colin Byron will be sworn in as the new District Governor.
The event is not far from home and promises a good night out.
There is a booking fee of $4.83 per ticket, making the total cost $89.83 just so you know.
I have already booked, and I am looking forward to seeing how our newest Rotary District will impact our community.
Use the QR Code below to book using your phone, or click on the images above to take you to the booking page on your computer.
See you there.
Transport Safety Investigations
The Beaconsfield Club
Jun 12, 2024
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
District Changeover
Cardinia Cultural Centre
Jun 29, 2024
6:30 pm – 10:30 pm
View entire list
Member Birthdays
Mark Caulfield
July 3
Mary McIvor
July 7
Diana Gomez-Fullaway
July 21
Spouse Birthdays
Mark Caulfield
July 3
Sam Nagle
July 8
Viviana Dominguez
July 19
Join Date
Jeanette Blackwood
June 16, 2022
2 years
Sharmaine Squire
June 18, 2009
15 years
Sam McCurdy
June 23, 2011
13 years
Isobel Caulfield
June 25, 2014
10 years
Fred Edwards
July 4, 1995
29 years
Rosemarie Hughes
July 8, 2010
14 years
Our Sponsors
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Rotary Foundation Chair
New Generations
Public Relations
Club Protection Officer
In the news

The Rotary Club of Milwaukee revitalized its city’s riverfront with a contribution from a local landowner — a strategy that could work in other communities.


he newly formed Rotary Club of Beirut Pax Potentia, Lebanon, which focuses on peacebuilding, has its origins in a project funded by a Rotary Foundation global grant


Solar energy isn’t just good for the environment — it’s expanding access to health care


Rotary Youth Exchange runs entirely on volunteers and is a fulfilling experience for the students and host families.


In Rotary magazine’s 2024 Photo Awards, Rotary members fan out across the globe to capture the light.


Learn how Rotary clubs are taking action in the United States, Canada, England, India, and Malaysia.


Messages of peace and progress, anticipation for 2025 convention in Calgary inspire attendees


Rotary International Convention also spotlights programs to create healthy communities, eradicate polio

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Thank you
This week's contributors to the Spoke 'n' Word
  1. President Dave - article and photos
  2. Di Double - photos
Anyone can help tell our Rotary Club story. Email me with a ready-to-publish story!