In 2006 with the help of PP Terry Carmichael, a project was created!
Clubs in Rotary District 9820, have committed to the construction and equipping of a small hospital near the town of Tobelo on the Island of Halmahera in the north Mollucus.
Every project has a starting point
The objective is to provide a building which will house four wards of four beds each – a total of 16 beds – plus other specialised medical services. The plan is to fully equip the hospital, called Hohidiai,including provision of an ambulance, an X-ray machine, and water wells. The expected total cost of these facilities is in the order of A$140,000.
Work has already commenced on the project with construction work being undertaken by a local construction team and materials purchased locally in Tobelo and Manado. In addition, an application has been made and approved to the Rotary Foundation for grants which will help to properly equip the hospital.
In Indonesia the Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak has agreed to partner us, and we have the support of the Indonesian Rotary Past District Governor for 1999/2000 Mark Wong.