Posted by David Button on Nov 19, 2021
With an aging Rotary membership there is always the expectations that when the opportunity arises, most will be off like a Herd of Turtles. I suppose it could be related to the seasonal migration of many species such as butterflies, birds, whales and wildebeest.
I once attended a Rotary Club in the Channel Island of Guernsey one January and most of their Club migrated to the snowfields of France. Nonetheless, an enjoyable home-cooked dinner of Skate at the home of the Chief Medical Officer of the Island and a good lesson on how Rotary works in other parts of the world. The experience brought home the power and goodwill of a global community organisation.
Our Rotary Club, just like the Rotary Club in Guernsey needs to keep functioning during these epic migration events. That of course means building our foundation of members who are less mobile because they are actively working. As Rotarians, we belong to a bigger picture well beyond our local area. Rotary was built on working professionals to lever off business connections to help communities. As our members retire, our ability to make a difference diminishes. Our retired members are the connection of what we were once capable of doing. Now our Club needs fresh working members to bring our Club back into working order for our community.
This week in 2015, our Rotary Club meeting looked like this:
Rotary has a lot to offer but it needs active members to bring it all together. Reignite the power the Rotary Club of Berwick used to have and invite a friend or colleague to visit the club while the turtles are on their migration.